Video-based Blended Course
Title: Video-Based Blended Course for Computer Network Learning
Authors: S Pambudi, H D Surjono, T Sukardiyono and I Hidayatulloh
Publication: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1413 (2019) 012025 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1413/1/012025. Indexed by Scopus
This study aims to develop a blended course for computer network courses with videobased teaching materials. This research refers to the development model of Integrated Learning Design Framework. The development of this learning media product is based on a learning plan
for a computer network course for one semester. Based on the results of product testing, this blended course is declared “good” and is suitable for learning. Paired sample t-test results show that the product developed is effective in improving student learning outcomes.