Presentasi Penelitian Blended Learning di Jepang
Blended learning (BL) sebagai mode pembelajaran yang menggabungkan antara keunggulan e-learning dengan kekhasan pembelajaran tatap muka menjadi primadona mode pembelajaran yang sedang digalakkan saat ini. Aktivitas online yang bervariasi dan menantang perlu diciptakan oleh dosen dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran BL tersebut. Hal ini disampaikan Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D. dalam the 3rd International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2019) tanggal 22 – 25 Juli 2019 di Nagoya Jepang.
Abstrak dari paper dengan judul “The Effects of Online Activities on Student Learning Outcomes in Blended Learning Environment” adalah sbb: “This quasi-experimental study aims to find out how the online activities influence the learning outcomes of Yogyakarta State University students on e-learning courses. This 4-week study consisted of two experimental groups and one control group. The experimental groups received a face-to-face instruction plus e-learning or blended learning (BL) with online discussions and quizzes. The control group used Blended Learning without any online activities. Quantitative analytical results are as follows: 1) student’s learning outcomes in BL with online discussions and quizzes is better than those without any online activities; 2) student’s learning outcomes in BL with online discussions and quizzes is better than those with online quizzes; 3) student’s learning outcomes in BL with online quizzes is better than those without any online activities; 4) there is a positive correlation between student’s learning outcomes and their level of activities in BL environment.”
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