List of papers indexed by Scopus (source:, updated 11 Februari 2022
No | Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
1 | How can flipped classroom develop critical thinking skills? A literature review | Nugraheni, B.I., Surjono, H.D., Aji, G.P. | 2022 | International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2022, 12(1), pp. 82–90. |
2 | Effectiveness of the Blended Learning Model to Improve Students Achievement of Mathematical Concepts | Indrapangastuti, D., Surjono, H.D., Sugiman, Yanto, B.E. | 2021 | Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 2021, 8(4), pp. 423–430. |
3 | Efficient Handling of Distributed Data Vending Through Blockchains | Adate D.B., Shafi P.M., Surjono H.D., Kimbahune V. | 2021 | In: Patil V.H., Dey N., N. Mahalle P., Shafi Pathan M., Kimbahune V.V. (eds) Proceeding of First Doctoral Symposium on Natural Computing Research. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 169. Springer, Singapore. |
4 | Development of Instructional Videos for the Principles of 3D Computer Animation | Pambudi, S., Hidayatulloh, I., Surjono, H.D., Sukardiyono, T. | 2021 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1737(1), 012022 |
5 | Development of light polarization experimental apparatus for remote laboratory in physics education | Ishafit, Mundilarto, Surjono, H.D. | 2021 | Physics Education, 2021, 56(1), 015008 |
6 | The impact of digitally regulated peer corrective feedback (cf) on students’ english writing | Darwanto, B.A., Surjono, H.D., Ciptaningrum, D.S. | 2020 | Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020, 8(11), pp. 5388-5394 |
7 | The cluster-based skills passport assessment model to improve the effectiveness of electrical power installation competency certification in Indonesian vocational school | Suhendar, Surjono, H.D., Slamet, P.H., Priyanto, Hanafi, I. | 2020 | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 01, (2020), pp. 11-17 |
8 | Newly-innovated E-portfolio to promote dynamic collective evaluation on students’ extramural English written artifacts | Darwanto, B.A., Surjono, H.D., Ciptaningrum, D.S. | 2020 | Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (CALL-EJ), 21(2), 32-51. |
9 | The effectiveness of the zipgrade-assisted learning outcomes assessment analysis in promoting Indonesian vocational teachers’ competence | Suhendar, Surjono, H.D., Slamet, P.H., Priyanto | 2020 | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change |
10 | Enhanced Performance of the Automatic Learning Style Detection Model using a Combination of Modified K-Means Algorithm and Naive Bayesian. | Hidayat, Nurul & Wardoyo, Retantyo & SN, Azhari & Surjono, Herman. | 2020 | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 11(3). 2020. DOI: 10.14569/ IJACSA.2020.0110380. |
11 | Video-Based Blended Course for Computer Network Learning | S Pambudi, H D Surjono, T Sukardiyono and I Hidayatulloh | 2019 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1413 012025 |
12 | Improving trigonometry learning motivation using Geogebra-Assisted Guided Discovery Student Worksheet (GDSW) | Hernawati, K., Surjono, H.D. | 2019 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1320 012082 |
13 | Designing Initiation Materials for Promoting Autonomous Learning in Blended Learning EFL Classroom | Antoro, S.D., Surjono, H.D., Sugeng, B. | 2019 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1254 012047 |
14 | Development of teacher and student thematic learning books based on gender and diversity for elementary school students in district of Aceh barat | Mardhatillah,Sari, S.M.,Surjono, H.,Muhtadi, A. | 2019 | International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 8 (10) ,pp.896 |
15 | Pattern capacity participants exam of mobile learning for assessment | Nurdiyanto, H.,Surjono, H.D.,Priyanto | 2019 | International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 8 (9) ,pp.713 |
16 | The effects of online activities on student learning outcomes in blended learning environment | Surjono, H.D.,Muhtadi, A.,Trilisiana, N. | 2019 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series ,pp.107 |
17 | The effectiveness of mobile-based interactive learning multimedia in science process skills | Nugroho, T.A.T.,Surjono, H.D. | 2019 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1157 (2) |
18 | Developing Bima-Indonesia Mobile Dictionary with Input-Output Google Voice Feature | Muslimin, I.,Surjono, H.D. | 2018 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1140 (1) |
19 | Improving Novice Teachers’ Instructional Practice Using Technology Supported Video-based Reflection System: The Role of Novice Teachers’ Beliefs | Ardisa, P.,Wu, Y.T.,Surjono, H.D. | 2018 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1140 (1) |
20 | The Development of Mobile Gamification Learning Application for Web Programming Learning | Pambudi, S.,Sukardiyono, T.,Surjono, H.D. | 2018 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1140 (1) |
21 | The effectiveness of iCRT Video-based Reflection System on Pre-service Teachers’ Micro Teaching Practice Focusing on Meaningful Learning with ICT | Ratumbuisang, K.F.,Wu, Y.T.,Surjono, H.D. | 2018 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1140 (1) |
22 | ME science as mobile learning based on virtual reality | Fradika, H.D.,Surjono, H.D. | 2018 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1006 (1) |
23 | The Development of Indonesian Labour Market Information System (LMIS) for Vocational Schools and Industries | Parinsi, M.T.,Palilingan, V.R.,Sukardi,Surjono, H.D. | 2018 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 306 (1) |
24 | Critical Success Factor for Implementing Vocational Blended Learning | Dewi, K.C.,Ciptayani, P.I.,Surjono, H.D.,Priyanto | 2018 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 953 (1) |
25 | Utilizing web based learning as 21st century learning media for vocational education | Puspitasari, E.D.T.,Surjono, H.D.,Minghat, A.D. | 2018 | International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) 7 (4) ,pp.157 |
26 | Study of instructional model on blended learning inpolytechnic,Studi model instruksional pada pembelajaran kombinasi di politeknik | Cahya Dewi, K.,Indah Ciptayani, P.,Dwi Surjono, H.,Priyanto | 2018 | Cakrawala Pendidikan 37 (2) ,pp.270 |
27 | LdesV, computer-operated video: Overcoming students’ difficulties in understanding automotive starting system | Widjanarko, D.,Abdurrahman,Wahyudi,Sofyan, H.,Surjono, H.D. | 2018 | International Journal of Innovation and Learning 24 (4) ,pp.407 |
28 | The effects of various animation-based multimedia learning in e-learning course | Surjono, H.D.,Muhtadi, A. | 2017 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series ,pp.117 |
29 | The dynamics of mobile learning utilization in vocational education: Frame model perspective review | Mahande, R.D.,Susanto, A.,Surjono, H.D. | 2017 | Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 16 (4) ,pp.65 |
30 | The effects of multimedia and learning style on student achievement in online electronics course | Surjono, H.D. | 2015 | Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 14 (1) ,pp.116 |
31 | Adaptive educational hypermedia based on multiple student characteristics | Surjono, H.D.,Maltby, J.R. | 2003 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2783 ,pp.442 |