UNY raih penghargaan Elearning Award 2009
Pada tahun 2009 ini, UNY bersyukur karena Elearning UNY Besmart (http://besmart.uny.ac.id/) berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan E-learning Award 2009 yang diselenggarakan oleh Pustekkom Depdiknas.
Tiga Universitas yang memperoleh penghargaan itu antara lain: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta untuk kategori Interaktivitas, Universitas Bina Nusantara untuk kategori Inovasi dan Kreativitas, dan Universitas Brawijaya untuk kategori Tampilan dan Kemudahan Penggunaan.
Penganugerahan telah dilakukan di Kraton Yogyakarta oleh Sekda DIY Ir Tri Harjun Ismaji MSc pada tanggal 8 Desember 2009 dan diterima oleh Rektor UNY, Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.A..
Adapun kriteria penilaian al.: (1) jumlah dan tingkat aktifitas, seperti jumlah course yang ditawarkan, jumlah peserta, variasi peserta, aktifitas peserta mengikuti course, diskusi, telekonferensi, tes, dan lain-lain; (2) kelengkapan komponen Learning Management System (LMS) seperti fasilitas upload bahan belajar, chatting, forum diskusi, database, tes, telekonferensi, user tracking, dan lain-lain; (3) web design, meliputi interface, navigasi, warna, huruf, komposisi, dan lain-lain; (4) kredibilitas, yaitu pengakuan masyarakat terhadap lulusan dari online learning yang diselenggarakan (5) rencana pengembangan, yaitu program aksi yang dilakukan oleh penyelenggara terkait dengan rencana yang akan dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang.
Presentasi di depan dewan juri pada Gand Final Elearning Award 2009 dilakukan pada tanggal 7 Nov 2009 di Jakarta oleh Kepala Puskom UNY, Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D.

Selamat buat UNY dan Pak Herman, semoga UNY benar-benar bisa menjadi World Class University
Makasih Pak Wawan…
Sumber: http://www.antara.co.id/en/news/1260305458/16-countries-participate-in-isodel-2009-in-yogyakarta
16 countries participate in Isodel 2009 in Yogyakarta
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 03:50 WIB | National | | Viewed 346 time(s)
Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) – Sixteen countries will be attending an International Symposium on Open Distance and E-Learning (Isodel) 2009 held by the Information and Technology Education Center of the Ministry of National Education in Yogyakarta, December 9-10.
“The countries to participate in Isodel 2009 include Thailand, South Africa, Malaysia, the UK, Korea, Asia Pacific Microsoft, the Philippines, Vietnam, China, and Portugal,” Isodel 2009 chief organizer Lili Gani said in Yogyakarta Tuesday.
She said that in Isodel 2009 which will carry the theme “Education in Digital Era: Continuous Professional Development for ICT-Based Learning”, 568 participants from 16 countries will be taking part.
“In addition, 48 delegates from various countries will present their materials on education,” she said.
She also disclosed that the Isodel 2009 participants will not only make a presentation and hold discussions, but also visit schools, and even the Yogyakarta palace.
Isodel 2009 will also present awards to e-education promoters in Indonesia, in three categories, namely individual, group, and institutions, for their service and contribution to the development and the application of information and communications technology to education throughout Indonesia, she added.
The categories which will receive the awards are those with a competence in “Kihajar” (we have to learn), e-learning, and educational television programs.
Winners of the Kihajar competition include Selamat of SMP Sutomo 1, Medan, for mathematics, Natasha Nurul Annisa of SMP 4 Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta, for Bahasa Indonesia, Faiq Adi Pratomo of SMP 21 in Semarang, for English, and Yobert Yosua Trihardianto of SMP YPPK Paulus Jayapura for natural sciences.
Those to receive the award for e-learning were Universitas Bina Nusantara for innovation and creativity, quality of learning subjects, and the use of Bahasa Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) for interactivities, and Universitas Brawijaya for appearance and easy use, and Jaeni from STIMIK Amikom in Yogyakarta as the youngest administrator.
In the meantime, the television stations which had received the award are Global TV for features/documentaries, dan SCTV for soap operas.(*)
Selamat pak atas prestasinya….
Semoga BESMART bisa tambah lebih maju….
Kebetulan saat ini saya juga sedang menyusun thesis tentang E-Learning….semoga bapak berkenan sahring ilmu dengan saya….
Sekali lagi selamat………..
selamat… untuk Be Smart UNY
Selamat,,,, kapan dan bila LPTK yang menyusul….
perlu dong bimbingan dari pak Herman…..
Selamat dan Sukses buat UNY. 🙂
Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam
selamat UNY !
congrats ya
congratulation UNY !
Congratulation! superb!