The Use of ICT in TVET


As the digital technologies are more readily available, teachers should utilize the ICT wisely and appropriately. They need to integrate the ICT into their lesson and assessment. The use of ICTs in TVET includes optimized teaching-learning process, adaptive learning, efficient supporting systems, flexible instructional delivery and tools, enhanced teacher productivity, and innovative learning media. Demikian beberapa hal yang disampaikan Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D. sebagai salah satu pembicara dalam the International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education (ICE-ELINVO) di Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta tanggal 14 September 2019. Dalam kesempatan ini Herman berbicara tentang “The Use of ICT in Technical and Vocational Education”. Seminar internasional yang dibuka oleh Rektor Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta tersebut menghadirkan enam pembicara internasional. Event tersebut didukung oleh para pembicara sesi paralel serta diikuti oleh ratusan peserta dari dalam dan luar negeri.

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