Presentasi paper di ISODEL 2007


Paper saya diterima untuk dipresentasikan dalam International Symposium On Open Distance and E-Learning (ISODEL) yang diselenggarakan tanggal 13 hingga 15 November 2007 di Hotel Discovery Kartika Plaza, Bali. Paper saya yang berjudul “The design and implementation of an adaptive e-learning system” dipresentasikan pada hari pertama dalam sesi paralel.

Acara yang diikuti oleh 421 peserta dan 60 pembicara dari 18 negara tersebut dibuka oleh Mendiknas RI. Ke-18 negara yang ikut ambil bagian antara lain Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Korea, Australia, Hongaria, Iran, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Philipina, Malaysia, Singapura dan tuan rumah Indonesia.

Abstrak paper saya adalah sbb:

“This paper describes the design and implementation of an adaptive e-learning system that provides a template for different learning materials as well as a student model that incorporates five distinct student characteristics as an aid to learning: primary characteristics are prior knowledge, learning style and the presence or absence of animated multimedia aids (multimedia mode); secondary characteristics include page background preference and link colour preference. The use of multimedia artefacts as a student characteristic has not previously been implemented or evaluated.

The system development consists of a requirements analysis, design and implementation. The design models including use case diagrams, conceptual design, sequence diagrams, navigation design and presentation design are expressed using Unified Modelling Language (UML). The adaptive e-learning system was developed in a template implemented using Java Servlets, XHTML, XML, JavaScript and HTML. The template is a domain-independent adaptive e-learning system that has functions of both adaptivity and adaptability”

Paper selengkapnya dapat diunduh di sini: isodel-2007.pdf

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