Cluster-based skills passport assessment model


Title: The cluster-based skills passport assessment model to improve the effectiveness of electrical power installation competency certification in Indonesian vocational school

Authors: Suhendar, Surjono, H.D., Slamet, P.H., Priyanto, Hanafi, I.

Publication: International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 01, (2020), pp. 11-17. Indexed by SCOPUS

Abstract: The study aims to invent an effective model of cluster-based skills passport assessment (c-SPAM). The c-SPAM needed to improve the effectiveness of achieving level II national qualification framework certification in Indonesian vocational high schools (SMK). Data was collected using the instrument validated by experts via the Delphi technique. The c-SPAM would be more effectively applied as a cluster competency test in SMK if 1) Professional certification bodies (LSP) implement c-SPAM gradually from the end of grade 10, 2) Competent students in several competency units or clusters need to be recapitulated into a logbook or skills passport, 3) skills passport of student need to be completed by attachments the certificates of competency and cluster. All aspects of c-SPAM are validated with a significant number between 0.76 – 0.96 (above 0.75) and the Aiken index having an average of 0.87. Therefore, the graduates of SMK will get a skills passport, competency certificate, cluster certificate, qualification certificate, and diploma.


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